Monday, March 4, 2013

Oscar's My Main Squeeze.

So, apparently I'm the fashion police now. 
Bow-chicka-bow-wow, J-Law!
I know everyone was drooling over Jennifer Lawrence's Red Carpet gown but did you guys see her after party gown? 
Holy crap balls- I die. 

Work that pixie-cut, girlfriend! 
I loved how understated and flattering Charlize Theron's gown was.
Plus, ain't no one ever looked bad in a peplum top.

Shoulder pads to the TJMaxxinista!
Is it bad that I love this dress? I feel torn, like I love it, but I don't, but I DO? Whatever.
"I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!"

There are my top three, I wasn't very thorough in my search but I never said I was a fashion detective or private investigator, heck, I'm not even a hired private consultant! I'm just a girl with a non-existent badge in fashionery. 

XOXO- Jenny