Saturday, February 23, 2013

Will you be my Galentine?

I would just like to start out this post by saying I currently have a wonderful, super smart, and handsome boyfriend who took me out and gave me the sweetest gifts this Valentine's. I could go on and on for days but Meghan basically covered all the mushy-gushy romantic stuff in her post. So I won't smother you with any more, but did I mention he's a real "'Class A' Hottie?" Like, a 10? Sorry, that's it. (but seriously- a TEN) Instead, I'm going to talk about the celebration of another holiday that is just as great, Galentine's Day.

Galentine's Day is weirdly on the same day as, or celebrated close to, Valentine's Day. This holiday is great because you can choose whatever and whomever to celebrate with, where to eat, what movie to see. It's basically a date with yourself and some other single ladies. Pretty dope. This year I celebrated with my best friend, Morgan (also a 10), and my widowed grandma, Bonnie Buns. We all love food and eating out so we went to lunch. Also, Bonnie Buns has a not so secret crush on Josh Duhamel (BB+JD= Cougar Love) so we obviously had to go to see Safe Haven. Then we went to Target where Bonnie Buns spoiled Morgan with like, 500 clearanced cotton balls. So yeah, it was a great holiday.

The point of Galentine's Day is to celebrate ourselves and the women in our lives, especially the under-appreciated singles. Guys should appreciate it because it makes it possible to skip out on movies like Safe Haven, which, if you're wondering, wasn't even that sexy but did get real deep. Like, did I cry? No. Did I fight tears? Probably. Next year ladies, enjoy a great Galentine's with your ladies then get some booty from your boo. Too much?

In closing,

XOXO- Jenny

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentine's for Newlyweds

Being a newlywed is awesome. You get to hang out (and make out!) with your best friend all the time and can totally give up the guise of wanting to hang out with other people or wearing anything other than sweatpants at home. Not that I slip into sweatpants the moment I get home every night or anything. I would never do that. Ever.

Anyway, I love Valentine's. I'm pretty big into the whole "love" thing and can go on about Layne ad nauseam. I apologize to anyone I have talked to in the past three years, but this guy is fantastic and I just have to tell every single person I meet! So, being that I am into Valentine's, Layne really goes all out to indulge me. And that's what is so great about being a newlywed. Right now, it's just the two of us. We're both, as our dear friend Michael puts it, "gainfully employed," and with no kids and no real responsibility, this is pretty much the only time in our lives where we can spoil each other with wild abandon. And Layne is reeeeeal good at it.

No matter your situation, there are great ways to spoil your loved one on Valentine's Day. If you're a little low on cash, make gifts for one another. You can make a playlist full of songs that reflect your relationship. One year, Layne wrote and illustrated a book on me that was our love story, fairytale style. He dotted it with a ton of inside jokes #hesakeeper. Everyone likes breakfast in bed, and cleaning up the house or a cute little coupon book is another great option. If you're fortunate enough to have a little budget for Valentine's, the old standbys always work. Flowers, chocolate, cards and jewelry all go a long way toward saying "I love you." Or, you can go all out. Valentine's is the perfect time to splurge on a trip to the spa to pamper your love, a quick vacation, or the extravagant gift you've been saving for.

The only real rule for Valentine's Day is to make sure the one you love knows that you care. It's a chance to say thank you for being you, to make them realize how special they are, to treat them like the king or queen they truly are. When you're living the everyday, sometimes loving each other gets pushed out of the way for doing the dishes and working full-time and running to the dry cleaner. And that sucks and it's wrong. Valentines is a chance, one day a year, to set it right.

I love you, Layne!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We're Obsessed... JT's "Mirrors"

We have a sister's group text, mostly pertaining to our blog, but sometimes we message random thoughts, jokes, pictures, etc. One day I texted Megh and Lizzie telling them how I was completely, 100%, wholeheartedly obsessed with the new Justin Timberlake single, "Mirrors." After they both looked it up it was a unanimous favorite. We thought we'd share it with you to continue the obsession. We're all really looking forward to the rest of the album!

A few other current faves:

Jenny: Rihanna's Stay, Delta Spirit Yamaha, Ra Ra Riot When I Dream
Lizzie: Taylor Swift We Are Never Getting Back Together & Stay, Stay, Stay
Meghan: WALK THE MOON Tightrope, Lumineers Ho Hey

Monday, February 18, 2013

Moodboard Monday: Cozy

It's winter. It's cold, dreary, and endless, at least it is in Utah and D.C.! We decided to take all the gloominess of the cold and choose items that we believe would cheer us up. We're a family of blanket lovers which is apparent in the fact we all choose a blanket item of our own personal taste. We hope you are enjoying this wintery weather and if you are lucky to have any of these items- we're jealous!


Megh's picks: Fuzzy socksBaby blankets, Coconut Hot Chocolate (recipe here)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let's get this party started

We are three very different women, living three very different lives. A single college student, a newlywed career girl, and a stay-at-home mother of two. But most importantly, we're sisters.

We started this blog as a way for us to stay in touch a little more. Spread out literally coast to coast, it can be hard to connect the same way we could if we were still living under the same roof. Rather than getting caught up in the separate threads of our individual lives, we wanted something that would tie us all together. Hopefully, you'll enjoy our joint project as much as we do. We think there's a little something here for everyone!

 Follow us on Twitter at @Tall_Tan_Blonde.

And to help us get this blog started, we'd love to follow yours and add it to our blogroll! Leave a URL in a comment below.